New England Yarn & Pattern LLC

Needle Points: Savings to You

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Needle Point Program

You earn Needle Points when you make purchases from New England Yarn & Pattern LLC. EVERY dollar spent earns a Needle Point. Needle Points may then be redeemed for any New England Yarn & Pattern yarn, kits, or patterns.
When you make a purchase from New England Yarn & Pattern LLC, you will AUTOMATICALLY earn Needle Points. No registration is required on your part. You will be able to check your Needle Point status at any time by simply contacting us.
The number of Needle Points needed for each item will be listed next to the item price. Needle Points earned will be calculated on the basis of the net amount paid (less shipping and handling).
Shipping and handling charges must be paid, and will be calculated before the Needle Point credit is applied.
To use Needle Points, please indicate that you are using your Needle Points to obtain a specific item. Needle Points must be used alone to acquire an item. For example, a skein of yarn may be exchanged for 100 Needle Points. You may not use 50 Needle Points and half the purchase price for the skein. 100 Needle Points must be used.
Needle Points will not apply to discounts and other specials, unless noted otherwise. A sale item will require the same number of Needle Points as if it were not on sale. Needle Points will accumulate on the basis of the actual dollar amount paid for items. Shipping & handling charges do NOT earn Needle Points.
Note: Needle Points have no expiration date. If at any time in the future, New England Yarn & Pattern LLC decides to discontinue this program, all participants will be notified and given the opportunity to redeem their Needle Points.